
Ways to Run Indoors and with Limited Space

Run-on the Spot

Run-on the spot in an open area of your house. Select a none-slippery surface and wear running shoes for comfort and balance. Lift your legs to knee-height, land on the balls of your feet and roll onto your heels. Swing your arms at the same time you raise your legs. Keep your back and shoulders straight and face forward. A 190-pound person can lose 510 calories per hour running on the spot, according to ShapeFit.com. Train for 30 minutes, twice a day; you can split your workout to a morning and afternoon sessions.

Amp Up Your In-Place Running

Running in place can get old fast, so mix it up with different running techniques. Try raising your knees as high as you can with each stride. Not only will you get a higher calorie burn, but the move will challenge your more muscles, helping to tone up your abs. And if you have space, try running in place as you jump rope. The coordination required keeps your mind engaged, fending off boredom.

Hit the Stairs

Perform stair sprints to build muscle and burn calories. Start at the bottom of the stairs and sprint up as fast as you can, pumping your arms as you climb up the stairs. Walk back down taking in deep breaths as you recover. Perform 10 to 15 stair sprints consecutively using only the walk down the stairs as resting time.

Take it To Your Yard

Do running exercises in your yard. Find a clear path in your front or back yard. Sprint to the other end of your yard, touch the ground and jog back to the starting position and repeat the process. Run back and forth 10 to 15 consecutive times as fast as you can with no rest in between.